Environ Engineering is specialised in combustion technology.

Our knowledge and more than 15 years of experience in burner technology ensures optimum operation of your burner system. In addition to supplying spare parts and renovating and converting burner systems, we also carry out burner maintenance and safety inspections.

We always offer our customers individual solutions. In doing so, we have the optimal efficiency of the burner with minimal emissions in mind. Small details can sometimes make a big difference.

Our Environ Engineering service includes:

Retrofit or repair of burners and atomization systems. Specialist industrial burners for combustion plants

Inspection of your combustion system.

Burner systems, combustion chambers, atomisation equipment, explosion protection, safety technology, flue gas cleaning, tank farms and much more require an initial analysis before we can start an operation or inspection of your combustion system.Make an appointment and we will be happy to visit you for an initial inspection and analysis of the plant. We will then submit a proposal and quotation to you.
Combustion technology Specialist industrial burners for combustion plants

Retrofit or repair of burners and atomization systems.

Retrofit of the system, increase of energy efficiency, reduction of operating costs, increase of availability... These are decisive reasons for a conversion or renewal of an existing burner system. Trust us: we will find a suitable, fast and cost-effective solution for you.
Retrofit or repair of burners and atomization systems. Specialist industrial burners for combustion plants

Commissioning of industrial burner installations

Disassembly, assembly, ... the commissioning of a complex system requires special knowledge and experience.
Retrofit or repair of burners and atomization systems. Specialist industrial burners for combustion plants

Supply of spare and maintenance parts.

We have all the necessary spare and maintenance parts of various types. Either we already have them in stock when we visit you or we have them in our service van. We can also deliver them to you in the short term.
Retrofit or repair of burners and atomization systems. Specialist industrial burners for combustion plants

Maintenance of your burner system.

Our know-how in maintenance combined with the most modern technology for checking your combustion system provides you with the necessary security. Not only the legally required maintenance, but also a maintenance contract over a longer agreed period ensures continuity and saves you money and resources.
Retrofit or repair of burners and atomization systems. Specialist industrial burners for combustion plants

Transparent reporting and improvements

We prepare a report for each operation. You will be fully informed about the parameters set and the improvements we have made.

Additional tasks we take care of:

Our service also includes:
  • Detailed advice on complex combustion systems
  • Calculation of combustion chambers, burners and atomisation systems
  • Burner maintenance and safety checks
  • Calculation of steam boilers
  • Engineering and manufacture of combustion chambers
  • Safety inspections of all types of industrial plants
  • Improving the energy efficiency of burner systems
  • Monitoring and improvement of burner efficiency
  • Atomisation systems
  • Retrofitting of burner control systems (upgrading of Siemens control systems)
  • Flue gas cleaning systems
  • EXPLOSION Hazard calculation
  • Refractory lining (new installation, renovation)

A complete system designed by us requires professional implementation during installation. If required, we use internationally experienced installation partners for the implementation. We rely exclusively on our own Environ specialists for project development, planning, construction management and finally for final acceptance.